The following is the Initial compilation of Chisholm relatives in starting with my great-great-grandmother Annie Chisholm

Annie Chisholm
Annie Chisholm
Married: John A. McDougald

The family tree in Excel format

 Ranald Chisholm
(dec 25 1800-Dec 24 1871)

Youngest Son of John Chisholm and Nancy Munro, born on Lot No 1 in the 8th Concession of the township of Cornwall.

Grandson of William Chisholm (William of the cows) of Strathglass, Scotland

Oct 7, 1831 Married in the chapel at St. Andrew's West, to Catherine McPhee daughter of Hugh McPhee and Margery McKinnon.

He died on Lot No 2 in the 5th Concession of the township of Kenyon and was buried in St. Alexander's Cemetary, Lochiel. Catherine McPhee died in Alexandria on April 2, 1900, buried in St. Finnian's Cemetery.

He was Annie Chisholm's Father (Mrs. John Angus McDougald)

This picture was made in Albany, N.Y. in 1826. The original was in the possession of his great grandson J.H. Chisholm an attorney at law in Superior, Wis.

Married: Catherine McPhee

Children: John Ranald Contractor who built St. Finnans, Annie