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Virtual Bookmark List Add Bookmark
Manage Users Store your bookmarks online and be able to access them anywhere Category: Filter by User: |
Category | Bookmark Name | Description | Edit | Del | User |
_Finance | BCLC - Online tickets | Purchase of online tix | Edit | Delete | J |
Capital One | CapOne online | Edit | Delete | J | |
CIBC - Investors Edge | RRSP online brokerage account | Edit | Delete | J | |
CIBC Banking | Online Banking | Edit | Delete | J | |
Globe Investor | Good chart | Edit | Delete | J | |
ING Direct | Online Banking | Edit | Delete | J | |
J & M Coin Dealers | Vancouver Broadway and Main | Edit | Delete | J | |
Kitco Gold | Gold Spot Chart | Edit | Delete | J | |
Kitco Silver | 24hr Silver Chart | Edit | Delete | J | |
Lions Gate website | Web cams and traffic for Lions Gate | Edit | Delete | J | |
MBNA online access | Able to get stmts online pwd is both | Edit | Delete | J | |
Money Central | Microsoft Online Portfolio tracker | Edit | Delete | J | |
North Van Library | NVDPL 23141002160971 | Edit | Delete | J | |
SkyDrive | Microsoft SkyDrive - 7gb online storage space | Edit | Delete | J | |
VanCity | Banking | Edit | Delete | J | |
Vancouver Bullion | Sale and Purchase prices of bullion(Amit) | Edit | Delete | J | |
_Study Abroad | Amazon | SSA site | Edit | Delete | J |
Amazon Key | Key pair | Edit | Delete | J | |
Crowd funding article | Interesting discussion on Crowd funding | Edit | Delete | J | |
Forum on Education Abroad | Conference Mar 2012 | Edit | Delete | J | |
Nuffic | Listing of various conferences regarding Study Abroad | Edit | Delete | J | |
SMU - Trial Site | SMU login for trial | Edit | Delete | J | |
TRU - Trial site | TRU - Trial login page | Edit | Delete | J | |
TRU vpn | VPN access | Edit | Delete | J | |
UofA - Go Abroad Login | Front page for Outgoing, Summer and Internships | Edit | Delete | J | |
UofA - Research Internship Login | Front page for RI | Edit | Delete | J | |
UofA - Travel Abroad Login | Front page for TA | Edit | Delete | J | |
Activities | Inside Vancouver | Good site for upcomming events in Vancouver | Edit | Delete | J |
Namaste Yoga | Yoga schedule for Namaste | Edit | Delete | J | |
North Vancouver Swim Schedule | Swim schedule for the four pools | Edit | Delete | J | |
TaiChi - North Van | North Shore Tai Chi | Edit | Delete | J | |
Apple | Apple Developer site | Biolux account for App Store submissions | Edit | Delete | J |
Auctions | Auction Sites - Vancouver | Vancouver area | Edit | Delete | J |
eBay | Online auction site | Edit | Delete | J | |
GVRD Auctions | Listing of various auction sites | Edit | Delete | J | |
Authors | Condo scene in Vancouver | Very funny line of blogging | Edit | Delete | J |
Dumb Little Man | Interesting tid bits | Edit | Delete | J | |
FREE Online computer books | Free online computer material | Edit | Delete | J | |
Haiku Error messages | VERY funny - haikus in place of error messages | Edit | Delete | J | |
Haiku Error Messages | More Haiku error messages | Edit | Delete | J | |
Interesting Blog site | Interesting display of XML for blogging and links from here | Edit | Delete | J | |
Rain City Gardner | Blog on gardening and SLOE Gin!! | Edit | Delete | J | |
You Grow Girl | Blog on Urban Gardening | Edit | Delete | J | |
Biolux | Biolux Wiki - Trouble tickets | Wiki | Edit | Delete | J |
Boats | Advanced Yacht Sales | Sidney | Edit | Delete | J |
BC Yacht Brokers Assoc | Listing of all member firms | Edit | Delete | J | |
BEAUTIFUL old boats | WOW...some incredible boats | Edit | Delete | J | |
Boat cleaning hints | Alternatives to bleach for cleaning the boat | Edit | Delete | J | |
Boat Dealer - Eagle Harbour | Boats for sale | Edit | Delete | J | |
Buy and Sell - Boats | Buy and Sell | Edit | Delete | J | |
Complete Shark Overhaul | Astounding overhaul of a Shark | Edit | Delete | J | |
Cooper Boating | Charters and Courses | Edit | Delete | J | |
Craigslist - Vancouver | Bulletin Board for boats | Edit | Delete | J | |
Craigslist Search Tool | Great tool for searching multiple Craigslist locations | Edit | Delete | J | |
Kits Yacht Club | Kits Yacht club - membership, events etc | Edit | Delete | J | |
Sailboat Listings | Large listing of boats for sale | Edit | Delete | J | |
Shark 007 Site | Site about a specific Shark 007 | Edit | Delete | J | |
Shark Companionway cover | Get example of someone replacing with steps on how | Edit | Delete | J | |
Shark site | Good site for Shark owners | Edit | Delete | J | |
Thunderbird Marina Boat Sales | Thunderbird yacht sales | Edit | Delete | J | |
Vancouver Tide Charts | Tides for Vancouver area | Edit | Delete | J | |
Yacht World | Large listing of boats in N-America | Edit | Delete | J | |
Yanmar Engine forum | Forum for dealing with Yanmars | Edit | Delete | J | |
Yanmar sb12 | Good thread on yanmar | Edit | Delete | J | |
Business | Angel investment | Gov of Canada site | Edit | Delete | J |
BC Government Tendering Site | Site that centralizes all tenders put out by Provincial Goverment | Edit | Delete | J | |
Interview questions | Interesting set of questions | Edit | Delete | J | |
Nexient Skillsweb | Access to schedule | Edit | Delete | J | |
Pacific Mail and Parcel - Blaine | Parcel delivery service in US | Edit | Delete | J | |
Presentation Helper | Great site for presentation ideas | Edit | Delete | J | |
Ridgecrest Homes | Thornbury Ontario | Edit | Delete | J | |
Smallworks SugarCRM | Online CRM access | Edit | Delete | J | |
Steorn Energy Project | Company claiming to have an energy techonology | Edit | Delete | J | |
Swanson's Business Rules | Interesting article on simple rules of running a business | Edit | Delete | J | |
Camping | Camping Recipes | Some ideas for Cooking while camping | Edit | Delete | J |
Christmas | Christmas Hippo Song | Very cute | Edit | Delete | J |
EggNog Recipe | Good looking recipe | Edit | Delete | J | |
Enya - Silent Night in Irish | Very nice rendition | Edit | Delete | J | |
Sinead OConnor | Very nice rendition | Edit | Delete | J | |
Coins | All Nations Coin and Stamp | Department at the Bay | Edit | Delete | J |
Victoria Jubilee stamp values | Good listing of the variations of the Jubilee stamps | Edit | Delete | J | |
Comedy | AliG - Drug Questions | Funny - questioning drug expert | Edit | Delete | J |
Andy Griffiths - Hamlet | Andy describing Hamlet - funny | Edit | Delete | J | |
Andy Griffiths - What is was was football | Great story describing football - very funny | Edit | Delete | J | |
Andy Griffiths - Wit and Wisdom | Andy telling story of Christopher Columbus | Edit | Delete | J | |
Baby Blues Comic strip | Favorite comic strip | Edit | Delete | J | |
Borat Humour | Babe watch - Borat style | Edit | Delete | J | |
Evolution of dance | Very funny comedian dancing | Edit | Delete | J | |
French Batman | Very funny comparison of French translation from France vs Quebec | Edit | Delete | J | |
French funnies | Lists of funny files | Edit | Delete | J | |
Funniest Laugh | Funniest laugh interrupts comedy show | Edit | Delete | J | |
Funny videos | Funnies | Edit | Delete | J | |
Goonshow with Peter Sellers | Download some snippets | Edit | Delete | J | |
Josh Blue | Funny guy | Edit | Delete | J | |
Sammy Sugar 2 | Very funny | Edit | Delete | J | |
Sugar Sammy | Very funny indian-Canadian comic | Edit | Delete | J | |
The 4 Yorkshiremen | Monty Python - Luxury skit | Edit | Delete | J | |
The Lion and Albert | Great Yorkshire type accent | Edit | Delete | J | |
This is magic | Montreal strip comedian | Edit | Delete | J | |
Very funny Quebec comedy | Hysterical - santa one | Edit | Delete | J | |
Wacky video | breast feeding cat | Edit | Delete | J | |
Cooking | All Recipes Site | Site for cheeseless scalloped potatoes and pulled pork | Edit | Delete | J |
Lentils and Rice in Rice cooker | Interesting sounding lentils and rice recipe | Edit | Delete | J | |
Making Beef Jerky | Primal blueprint - how to make jerky | Edit | Delete | J | |
Oven roasted Potato Chips | Interesting looking recipe | Edit | Delete | J | |
Paleo friendly Curry | Recipes for coconut curry | Edit | Delete | J | |
Primal Blueprint - Spinach bread | An alternative to bread | Edit | Delete | J | |
Primal Breakfasts | More ideas | Edit | Delete | J | |
Primal Cooking | Ideas for omlettes a la Paleo | Edit | Delete | J | |
CoolInventions | Hydrogen powering vehicles | Very interesting site with kit for powering car on gas AND water | Edit | Delete | J |
Magnet Driven engines | Japanese builder of magnetic engines - use 20 percent of the energy of electric engine | Edit | Delete | J | |
Make a USB Key | Interesting home made USB key | Edit | Delete | J | |
Make LED brick | Fun simple steps to create an LED brick | Edit | Delete | J | |
Patterned Paint Roller | Really neat paint roller, create wallpaper like effect | Edit | Delete | J | |
Text in shape of picture | Using word and image - make text in shape of a picture COOL | Edit | Delete | J | |
View Master Cameras | How to make View Master 3D pics, including scanning images | Edit | Delete | J | |
Database | 3rd Party Access repair tool | Possible tool to use to clean up Access DB | Edit | Delete | J |
Access - Rename Table Names with VBA | Code good for quickly renaming the table name when SQL link names dbo_ | Edit | Delete | J | |
Access 2000 Jet Service Pack 8 | Install latest service pack for Access 2000 Jet Engine | Edit | Delete | J | |
Access 2007 Hotfix | Hotfix for Access 2007 re forms settings | Edit | Delete | J | |
Access conversion to SQL | Good pointers from Access to SQL conversion | Edit | Delete | J | |
Access Corruption solvers | Some standard ideas on how to resolve Access corruption | Edit | Delete | J | |
Access Corruption Suggestions | Some pointers such as Autocorrect | Edit | Delete | J | |
Access DSNless connection | How to link to SQL tables without DSN | Edit | Delete | J | |
Access DSNless Connection | How to change DSN connections away from DSN files | Edit | Delete | J | |
Access DSNless Connection setup | Another approach to connecting to SQL tables without DSN | Edit | Delete | J | |
Access DSNless Connections MSN | Access - using DSNless connection to SQL | Edit | Delete | J | |
Access to SQL Upsizing | Upsizing alternative for SQL2008 | Edit | Delete | J | |
Connection Strings website | Great site for all of the connection string formats | Edit | Delete | J | |
DevGuru | Has ADO page among others | Edit | Delete | J | |
Excel 97/2000 Viewer: Spreadsheet Files | The viewer is not suitable for use on a server. Allows users to automatically view Excel spreadsheets (.xls) that are linked to HTML pages on a LAN or the WWW | Edit | Delete | Shirley | |
Install Access 97 and 2000 same machine | Install both versions and be able to run both | Edit | Delete | J | |
Lotus Approach User Support | Offers sample databases | Edit | Delete | J | |
MS Access training modules | Great little training modules on Access | Edit | Delete | J | |
MySQL - Build visual queries | MySQL - some explanation of Query browser | Edit | Delete | J | |
MySQL Optimization | MySQL pointers on optimizing | Edit | Delete | J | |
MySQL Profiler | Example of using Profiler in MySQL | Edit | Delete | J | |
MySQL Virtual Seminars | Online resource for learning MySQL | Edit | Delete | J | |
RAID - suggested configurations | Interesting notes on RAID configs | Edit | Delete | J | |
SQL for Smarties | Website of articles, tips tricks, etc | Edit | Delete | J | |
SQL retrieving data in bunches | How to retrieve the data in batches of 25 or 50 records at a time | Edit | Delete | J | |
SQL Server - remove duplicate rows | Last method listed with Row_Number - very good | Edit | Delete | J | |
SQL Server 2000 Clustering Resource | Good links for clustered environment | Edit | Delete | J | |
SQL Server 2000 Replication and Perf Tuning | Transactional Replication Performance Tuning and Optimization | Edit | Delete | J | |
Storage Admin | Database Portal | Edit | Delete | J | |
Teca - Blob Loader | App that helps loading of Blobs | Edit | Delete | J | |
Design | Free Fonts | Great site for finding funky fonts | Edit | Delete | J |
Interior Design Site - Vancouver | Interesting looking site for Design ideas | Edit | Delete | J | |
Warline - painting and decor site | Good site with samples and good advice | Edit | Delete | J | |
Wood stump tables | Martha Stewart stumps as tables | Edit | Delete | J | |
Development | ADO 2.6 Stream | Example of how to load images into a table with ADO | Edit | Delete | J |
AskASP | Another ASP portal | Edit | Delete | J | |
ASP and .Net help | Help site for ASP and .NET | Edit | Delete | J | |
ASP button images (multi) | ASP and HTML coding | Edit | Delete | J | |
ASP Free | ASP.NET samples | Edit | Delete | J | |
ASP Get Chunk | Sample and Bug in ASP | Edit | Delete | J | |
ASP Help page | Tips and Tricks for ASP programming | Edit | Delete | J | |
ASP Insert image | Sample of loading image into Database via ASP.NET | Edit | Delete | J | |
ASP Insert Image - function | Well described method of inserting image using a function | Edit | Delete | J | |
ASP SQL SPROC Inserting records | How to insert records into SQL using SPROCs through ASP | Edit | Delete | J | |
ASP Stream example | Good concise example of streaming to Load and Save | Edit | Delete | J | |
ASP Stream example3 | ASP Example of streaming | Edit | Delete | J | |
ASP Stream example4 | ASP Streaming example | Edit | Delete | J | |
ASP Stream text - faster | How to improve on the speed of streaming large text objects | Edit | Delete | J | |
ASP Streaming - Send object to the browser | ASP Example of streaming | Edit | Delete | J | |
ASP Streaming - XML output | Example of ASP and XML streaming large objects | Edit | Delete | J | |
ASP Streaming Objects | Another ASP example of streaming | Edit | Delete | J | |
Binary Explained | Good discourse on what Binary is | Edit | Delete | J | |
ColdFusion Function Help | Good source of ColdFusion help documentation | Edit | Delete | J | |
Connect Web Server to DB server | Example of ODBC Drivers and DSNs | Edit | Delete | J | |
Experts Exchange - ASP | Expert portal multi language reference | Edit | Delete | J | |
Java Virtual Machine ver 1.4.2 | Download link for this version of plugin | Edit | Delete | J | |
Microsoft Development Talks - SQL Yukon | Talks from Calif trade show on SQL Yukon, .Net etc | Edit | Delete | J | |
MS VMs and Sun JVMs | Good resource for JVMs both MS and Sun | Edit | Delete | J | |
Programing Reference Site | Code examples | Edit | Delete | J | |
ReadFile from Client Machine | ASP - Javascript example of reading file from Client | Edit | Delete | J | |
SloppyCode | Development forum for ASP etc | Edit | Delete | J | |
Use Case Alternate Intro | Description of Use Cases | Edit | Delete | J | |
Use Cases - The value Methodology | AWI's definition and examples of Simplified Use Cases | Edit | Delete | J | |
VMware 3 - workstation | Download VMware workstation key is 6anax-dhk2t-7gl8h-33n2r | Edit | Delete | J | |
WebAttack Utilities | Various shareware and smaller utilities for a large range of apps | Edit | Delete | J | |
WebPost | Web tool to speed up doc management | Edit | Delete | J | |
Windows Scripting Solutions | Development Tips and Tricks | Edit | Delete | J | |
Workflow Management eBook | Wil van der Aalst - online at VPL | Edit | Delete | J | |
Workflow Modeling eBook | Recommended book on Workflow modeling | Edit | Delete | J | |
dVsdXIIp | vszqpegiz | Commentary site | Edit | Delete | J |
Education | Education cost calculator | Interesting take on cost of a degree | Edit | Delete | J |
Evelyn Wood | Evelyn Wood and her discussion on public speaking | Edit | Delete | J | |
Excel Sample files | Good sample files for training | Edit | Delete | J | |
Forming Habits - 21 days | Good article on forming habits | Edit | Delete | J | |
How to compost | North Shore Recycling tips on composting | Edit | Delete | J | |
Khan Academy | FANTASTIC - What a guy. Look at GEL Conference video | Edit | Delete | J | |
Mazda Key reprogramming | How to re-program a Mazda key | Edit | Delete | J | |
MIT Open Courses | Interesting - MIT opening up some 1900 courses to the world | Edit | Delete | J | |
Multimeter usage tutorial | How to use the multimeter | Edit | Delete | J | |
Outlook calendar training | eLearning piece on calendar | Edit | Delete | J | |
Sparks Notes | Interesting notes on topics such as math, physics, chemistry etc | Edit | Delete | J | |
Entertainment | Audio books online | Great source of free audio books online | Edit | Delete | J |
CBC Radio | CBC Radio One and Two live | Edit | Delete | J | |
Drinking Games | List of games | Edit | Delete | J | |
Fireball Game | Flash fireball game | Edit | Delete | J | |
Jango - music of choice | Interesting site of music you your choosing | Edit | Delete | J | |
Learn Italian | Learn italian and other languages | Edit | Delete | J | |
Online Music | Online music - allows choosing by artist and it creates a list of similar ones | Edit | Delete | J | |
Family | Projects for Children | Good ideas, free plans | Edit | Delete | J |
Thomas' Religions Project | Looks at Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism and Islam | Edit | Delete | J | |
Vancouver Schools | Schools in Van and their websites | Edit | Delete | J | |
Family History | 1901 Census Ontario | Searchable database | Edit | Delete | J |
Ancestry - Quebec | Message board relating to various areas in Quebec | Edit | Delete | J | |
Ancestry page links | Ancestry page with other geneology links | Edit | Delete | J | |
Beauharnois Scandal | WLMcD | Edit | Delete | J | |
Beauharnois Scandal | T.D. Regehr's account of the Beauharnois Scandal | Edit | Delete | J | |
Book on Glengarry | Very good electronic implementation of a book | Edit | Delete | J | |
British Army in Sicily | Background to the English stationed in Sicily | Edit | Delete | J | |
British Military Searches | Talks about how to find info from British Military | Edit | Delete | J | |
Burning the valleys - Capt Munro | Full google book on the revolution KRRNY with Capt Munro | Edit | Delete | J | |
Canadian Federal index | Interesting search engine for Canadian geneology | Edit | Delete | J | |
Canadian Geneological Site | Promising looking site | Edit | Delete | J | |
Cemeteries - Quebec | pictures of gravestones | Edit | Delete | J | |
Census 1901 | Another research site | Edit | Delete | J | |
Chisholm Clan | Clan history - very brief | Edit | Delete | J | |
Chisholm Clan | Annie | Edit | Delete | J | |
Chisholm Clan - Erchless Castle | Castle of the Chisholms near Strathglass | Edit | Delete | J | |
Chisholm, John Ranald | Annie Chisholm | Edit | Delete | J | |
Chisholm, John and Nancy Munro | Interesting site - links to Mormon files | Edit | Delete | J | |
Conrad Black - McDougald Connection | Interesting | Edit | Delete | J | |
Cornwall Cemetary | Photos of headstones - Stormont Dundas and Glengarry | Edit | Delete | J | |
Dictionary of Canadian Biographies | Bio of TGW Eaststaff by David Facey-Crowther | Edit | Delete | J | |
Dr. Eastaff ship log | Record of a Dr. Eastaff at age 30 entering Boston from Newfoundland | Edit | Delete | J | |
Eastaff - Daughter of William G | Connection to William Grant?? Elizabeth Blanche | Edit | Delete | J | |
Eastaff - Ship Lists | Ships log shows Dr. Eastaff and wife at a hotel | Edit | Delete | J | |
Eastaff Connection | Interesting tidbit from a David Eastaff researching the branch | Edit | Delete | J | |
Eastaff, TGW and William Grant Eastaff | David Eastaff posting on Ancestry.com | Edit | Delete | J | |
Eastaff, TGW as executor to estate | Executor to estate of a friend | Edit | Delete | J | |
Eaststaff Surveyor | Reference to TGW Eaststaff | Edit | Delete | J | |
Ellis Island records | Wilfred and family travelling on the Aquitania | Edit | Delete | J | |
Family Researchers for hire | Interesting group who work for $55/hour | Edit | Delete | J | |
Family Search UK Geneology | Free searches except for viewing images | Edit | Delete | J | |
Gaetanna | Obituary | Edit | Delete | J | |
Gaetanna Mason | WEbsite describing the son of Gaetanna and R Telfer | Edit | Delete | J | |
Genelogy sites list | Great list of all kinds of genelogical search engines | Edit | Delete | J | |
Geneology | Another geneology site | Edit | Delete | J | |
Geneology - Cindy | Varied but some useful links | Edit | Delete | J | |
George J Mason and Son Frank | Marrige record of Frank H. Mason son of George J and Alicia Harrison | Edit | Delete | J | |
Glengarry County | reference to Bud | Edit | Delete | J | |
Glengarry Geneology | Collections of sites and info | Edit | Delete | J | |
Green Meadows - Bud | toronto | Edit | Delete | J | |
Green Meadows - McDougald Estate | Bud | Edit | Delete | J | |
Highland Clearances | The ugly truth of the Highland clearances | Edit | Delete | J | |
Highlands Clearing | Listings of stories from the Highlands clearings | Edit | Delete | J | |
History of the Chisholms | Listed in their are John Chisholm and Ranald (listed as Ronald) | Edit | Delete | J | |
Indentures and Royal Documents | Very interesting description of indentures and seals | Edit | Delete | J | |
inGeneas Passenger Lists | Interesting possibilities | Edit | Delete | J | |
Irish Immigration at Quebec | Island where they were quarantined | Edit | Delete | J | |
Irish Parishes in Quebec City | Great link to parishes in Quebec City | Edit | Delete | J | |
Jacques Cartier Bridge History | Account of the bridge with reference to Wilfred McDougald | Edit | Delete | J | |
Library and Archives Canada | Canadian Geneology Centre - many links to online sources | Edit | Delete | J | |
Listing of People in old Montreal cemeteries | Listing of people in old cemeteries found in church records | Edit | Delete | J | |
Lynn Cooke - Glengarry Research | Research site | Edit | Delete | J | |
MacDougall - Brooch of Lorn | History of the Brooch | Edit | Delete | J | |
MacDougall Clan History | MacDougall history brief | Edit | Delete | J | |
MacDougall Sites | Newsletter (MacDougall.org) | Edit | Delete | J | |
Mason - 1901 Census | 1901 Census listing the Mason family | Edit | Delete | J | |
Mason, Thomas and Eastaff, Eliza Grant | Marriage list | Edit | Delete | J | |
McD , Annie Bethune Author | SFU?? | Edit | Delete | J | |
McDougald - Archivia Net | Government Records, correspondence etc | Edit | Delete | J | |
McDougald - Argus Essay - Black | Bud | Edit | Delete | J | |
McDougald - Canadian Archival Network | WL McD description and listing of papers | Edit | Delete | J | |
McDougald - Cousin Connect | Connections? | Edit | Delete | J | |
McDougald - Sunnyside Home | Architect | Edit | Delete | J | |
McDougald Genforum | Connections? | Edit | Delete | J | |
McDougald, A.W. | Correspondent for the Times | Edit | Delete | J | |
McDougald, Allan | The Cornwall cheese and butter board | Edit | Delete | J | |
McDougald, Allan and family | 1911 Census - misread and entered as McDougals | Edit | Delete | J | |
McDougald, Angus | Reference to his particip in the Militia | Edit | Delete | J | |
McDougald, Bud | Book on the Establishment | Edit | Delete | J | |
McDougald, Donald | Connection? | Edit | Delete | J | |
McDougald, Donald Bhain | Interesting! | Edit | Delete | J | |
McDougald, Donald Bhan | McDougald link | Edit | Delete | J | |
McDougald, John A | Shows him as Court Registrar | Edit | Delete | J | |
McDougald, John A - Registrar | Brief description of his career | Edit | Delete | J | |
McDougald, John, Annie and Anna | 1911 Census - shows Anna Creighton living with Grandparents John and Annie | Edit | Delete | J | |
McDougald, WL | Archives of Montreal - showing WLMcD as Chair of Harbour commission | Edit | Delete | J | |
McDougald, WL - Senatorial Listing | Listing of Senators and who appointed | Edit | Delete | J | |
McMartin, John ("Jack") | Quick history of his family | Edit | Delete | J | |
McMartin, John 'Big Red' | Great account of his life page 388 | Edit | Delete | J | |
Montreal GenWeb | Geneology for Anglo Montrealers | Edit | Delete | J | |
Moore and Hughes lineage | Pat Rogers compilation of Moore and Hughes | Edit | Delete | J | |
Munro documents | Old documents on Munros and Capt John | Edit | Delete | J | |
Munro, David and Nancy McKay | David Munro and Nancy McKay UEL | Edit | Delete | J | |
Munro, Nancy | Chisholm, John and Nancy Munro | Edit | Delete | J | |
National Archives of Canada | Initial link to districts of 1901 Census | Edit | Delete | J | |
Newfoundland - GrandBanks Genealogy | References to Eastaffs | Edit | Delete | J | |
Newfoundland Geneology | Good site listing various places to hunt around St. Johns | Edit | Delete | J | |
Newfoundland Mason history | Not a direct relationship - but interesting info | Edit | Delete | J | |
Nobbs - Architect of Residence on Sunnyside | McDougald Home on Sunnyside | Edit | Delete | J | |
Notre Dame Centenery | Refence to Senator W.L. McDougald attending the centenery | Edit | Delete | J | |
Notres Dames Des Neiges Cemetery | Cemetery with online search of those buried | Edit | Delete | J | |
Obituaries Online | Website dealing with Geneology research | Edit | Delete | J | |
Old Montreal Cemeteries | Collard's account of some old cemeteries | Edit | Delete | J | |
Ontario Church Records | Worth looking through for baptisms, marriages and such | Edit | Delete | J | |
Ontario Vital Stats | Family research page | Edit | Delete | J | |
Origin of Eastaff St - St Johns | Indicates Eastaff Street in St Johns is named after TGW | Edit | Delete | J | |
Paper of record | Great site that has scanned images of many newspapers | Edit | Delete | J | |
Public Record Office - UK | British Army records are accessible here | Edit | Delete | J | |
Quebec Geneology from Vancouver | Wow...interesting group and site | Edit | Delete | J | |
Quebec History | reference to the cholera epidemic | Edit | Delete | J | |
Robbie Burns | Great site with some of his poetry | Edit | Delete | J | |
Rootsweb - good geneology links | Interesting page - good link to Mormon pilot site | Edit | Delete | J | |
Rootsweb site | Listings in Ontario | Edit | Delete | J | |
Scotsman Newspaper | Archives of old paper | Edit | Delete | J | |
Scrapbook and Movie making - FREE | Interesting looking site - downside is downloadable player | Edit | Delete | J | |
Smith, A.L. - Grace McDougald | Grace McD's husband | Edit | Delete | J | |
Snippet of Eastaff Map | History of 16 McDougall St - st. john's | Edit | Delete | J | |
Telfer Marriage - Thomas and Martha | Reference to another Mason, Thomas J.....any connection? | Edit | Delete | J | |
Telfer, Marie E - Marries | Mispelling of Gaetana's name | Edit | Delete | J | |
Telfer, Marie E. | Another Telfer question | Edit | Delete | J | |
The memoirs of Giovanni Veltri | Reference to Alex McDougald contractor and brother in law to Jack 'Big Red ' McMartin | Edit | Delete | J | |
Toronto Research | Good source of Toronto publications | Edit | Delete | J | |
UEL List | Interesting list of UEL members from late 1700s | Edit | Delete | J | |
United Empire Loyalists | The official website | Edit | Delete | J | |
WL McDougald | Interesting site, in process | Edit | Delete | J | |
Women of the American Revolution | Interesting reference to Mrs Munro wife of a loyalist | Edit | Delete | J | |
Womens costumes and hat | Great examples | Edit | Delete | J | |
Farming | Farm Apprenticeships | Farms that offer apprentice programs | Edit | Delete | J |
Farm life | Small farms | Edit | Delete | J | |
Learn to Farm | Great site about creating a sustainable farm in 1 acre | Edit | Delete | J | |
Small Farm Canada | Stories of different canadian farms | Edit | Delete | J | |
FinanceResearch | 321 Energy | Moriarity Site | Edit | Delete | J |
Bank of Canada Exchange Rates | Good historical data for Foreign exchange rates | Edit | Delete | J | |
Calculators | Good ones...including life expectancy | Edit | Delete | J | |
Canada Mortgage - Calculators | Very good calc | Edit | Delete | J | |
Charts - barchart | Investment Info | Edit | Delete | J | |
Compounding Calculator | Great online calc for compounded values overall or annually | Edit | Delete | J | |
Currency Exchange site | Great site - and used by SkillPath | Edit | Delete | J | |
decisionpoint | Investment Info | Edit | Delete | J | |
economist | Magazine | Edit | Delete | J | |
Financial Calculators | Good examples - Java applets | Edit | Delete | J | |
Foreign Exchange Archives | BofMTL | Edit | Delete | J | |
Foreign Exchange Rates | Royal Bank Exchange Rates | Edit | Delete | J | |
Foreign Exchange Rates | Bank of Montreal Foreign Exchange Rates (NOT Real time) | Edit | Delete | J | |
ft | Magazine | Edit | Delete | J | |
Government Job Funding | Financial programs funding jobs | Edit | Delete | J | |
Interest Only Mortgage | Interesting approach | Edit | Delete | J | |
Investors Hub | Suavek | Edit | Delete | J | |
Jays other recommendation for 2009 | Jays other recommendation | Edit | Delete | J | |
Jays recommendation for 2009 | One of Jays recommendations | Edit | Delete | J | |
List of companies with DRIP | Dividend Reinvestment Plans | Edit | Delete | J | |
Mish | Recommended blog by Gary North | Edit | Delete | J | |
Mortgage calculator | Good one for calculating prepayments | Edit | Delete | J | |
Mortgage PrePayment Calculator | Better idea of prepayment benefits | Edit | Delete | J | |
Mortgage through RRSP | Great detail on the costs and requirements for mortgage through RRSP | Edit | Delete | J | |
Mortgage Variable vs Fixed | Paper on the historical benefits of Variable vs Fixed | Edit | Delete | J | |
murenbeeld | Gold analyst | Edit | Delete | J | |
nybot | NewYork Board of Trade | Edit | Delete | J | |
nymex | NewYork Mercantile Exchange | Edit | Delete | J | |
Oil Shortage Paper | Paper describing the reliance on Oil | Edit | Delete | J | |
Retirement Essays | Interesting approaches to retirement and living abroad etc | Edit | Delete | J | |
Richard Russel | Dow Theory Letters new letter | Edit | Delete | J | |
SEC Filings online | Look at who is buying and selling by company | Edit | Delete | J | |
Snapshot Charts | Good charting site | Edit | Delete | J | |
Stockwatch - US | This provides quotes and charts from Stockwatch.com of US companies | Edit | Delete | J | |
Suavek | Blog of 500 some charts and analysis | Edit | Delete | J | |
tradingcharts | Investment Charts | Edit | Delete | J | |
TSX | Quotes on TSX listings | Edit | Delete | J | |
Funky | eLearning sites | Interesting list of eLearning jobs | Edit | Delete | J |
Startups in Vancouver | Interesting site about what new companies are starting up | Edit | Delete | J | |
Thrifty by design | Great blog site about UPCYCLING...kindred spirit | Edit | Delete | J | |
Unique Computers | Funky places to put computers, guitars, picture frames, etc | Edit | Delete | J | |
Wayback in time | Keeps copies of websites and their pages | Edit | Delete | J | |
Furniture | Barrister's Bookcase | Lead glass window panes | Edit | Delete | J |
REALLY creative space saving furniture | http://www.craftedphiladelphia.com/2010/06/ | Edit | Delete | J | |
Gardening | Chiltern Seed sales | UK company - ordering seeds | Edit | Delete | J |
Gardening under Pines | Interesting thoughts on what to plant beneath Pines | Edit | Delete | J | |
Trees and Shrubs of BC | Interesting book on BC plants | Edit | Delete | J | |
Globalmentoring | .Net - online Learning | .Net Online learning | Edit | Delete | J |
.Net Lessons | .Net samples and lessons | Edit | Delete | J | |
.Net tutorials | Online learning for .Net | Edit | Delete | J | |
8570.1 Security initiative by US | Definition | Edit | Delete | J | |
AJAX - Class libraries | Tool to download | Edit | Delete | J | |
AJAX - Download with examples | Tool to download with examples | Edit | Delete | J | |
AJAX - Google example | Good description of AJAX | Edit | Delete | J | |
AJAX - MSDN on tool | MS help on the tool to download | Edit | Delete | J | |
AJAX - XMLHttpRequest | Good article on AJAX | Edit | Delete | J | |
AJAX Demo | 18 min video demoing AJAX | Edit | Delete | J | |
ASP Dot Net Chat site | Good example of DOT NET for a chat interface | Edit | Delete | J | |
avecomm | nn | Edit | Delete | J | |
Captivate and Breeze | Presentation that illustrates the use of captivate and flash and breeze | Edit | Delete | J | |
Code Project | Programming in .NET | Edit | Delete | J | |
Digital Content | Doug Kennedy's online quick reference cards | Edit | Delete | J | |
E4X - Basis of AJAX | AJAX basis | Edit | Delete | J | |
FP Email | FP Web Outlook client | Edit | Delete | J | |
Freeware Proxy software | Testing for Basic and NTLM authentication | Edit | Delete | J | |
French translation resource | French translation | Edit | Delete | J | |
Fusepoint's Webcare Site | Fusepoint ticket system | Edit | Delete | J | |
GMS VOIP | Voice over IP phone online access | Edit | Delete | J | |
GREAT french translation | GREAT site for translating into French | Edit | Delete | J | |
HTML codes for French Characters | French codes | Edit | Delete | J | |
Inquiero | From Paul | Edit | Delete | J | |
Integrate MSN IM | Tool that integrates all the chat services | Edit | Delete | J | |
Jive Live Assistant | Tool for mentoring can purchase source | Edit | Delete | J | |
Knowledge Gateway | Sample instance for Dell | Edit | Delete | J | |
Labs Usage - 18 | Updated to allow filtering by multiple fields | Edit | Delete | J | |
Light TPD Wed server | Open source tool - proposing to be used by Harmeet | Edit | Delete | J | |
Look - flash Chat site | Another flash example that has built in Translation from Babel Fish | Edit | Delete | J | |
Look - VNC solution | For Labs piece? | Edit | Delete | J | |
McAfee Antivirus | Corp edition | Edit | Delete | J | |
MS Collaboration | Paul found | Edit | Delete | J | |
MSDN Application Center Test | Testing environments | Edit | Delete | J | |
Non Profit Mentoring | Non profit soft skills mentoring (Katie referred) | Edit | Delete | J | |
Phone chat tool | Interesting tool to Instant Message using cell phone | Edit | Delete | J | |
Podcast example | Podcast sample site | Edit | Delete | J | |
Possible Chat tool | Recommended by Suavek and tanja | Edit | Delete | J | |
Reporting | Good sample report site | Edit | Delete | J | |
SIP to PSTN | Look at further | Edit | Delete | J | |
Skype Application | Skype new tool | Edit | Delete | J | |
Soft Skills mentoring | Referred to me by Katie | Edit | Delete | J | |
Visual Studio ELearning | E-Learning courses - some free until June 30 06 | Edit | Delete | J | |
WayneTV ala UK | wgoldstein and company | Edit | Delete | J | |
Web QA tools | Site listing many QA tools | Edit | Delete | J | |
White PJ | PJ access | Edit | Delete | J | |
White PJ - admin | Admin site for GMS on PJ | Edit | Delete | J | |
White PJ - Mentor view | Mentor access for monitoring PJ | Edit | Delete | J | |
Yahoo Widgets | Wayne recommended | Edit | Delete | J | |
Your Tech Online | Interesting company - and offering | Edit | Delete | J | |
Health | Aspivenin anti mosquito solution | Place in Canada (Victoria) that sells this | Edit | Delete | J |
Neurotherapy feedback | ADD, ADHD, etc | Edit | Delete | J | |
Plantar Fasciitis | Offers a tutorial | Edit | Delete | J | |
History | British Flags and their Histories | Excellent site for background on British flags, ensigns etc | Edit | Delete | J |
Holy Sepulchre - Jerusalem | Fascinating view 360 degree of the church | Edit | Delete | J | |
King Arthur Site | Interesting site with English history | Edit | Delete | J | |
Notman Collection description | Notman collection - talks about the ability for the public to look through it. | Edit | Delete | J | |
Renaissance Literature | Very interesting site - many links | Edit | Delete | J | |
Savage & Lyman | Brief history of Savage and Lyman (with Henry Birks) | Edit | Delete | J | |
Savage & Lyman History | Brief history of Savage and Lyman | Edit | Delete | J | |
Silver hallmarks | Great list and display of hall marks | Edit | Delete | J | |
Summer Excursionist - Savage and Lyman | Interesting google book | Edit | Delete | J | |
Home | Apt rental site (UBC) | UBC affiliated site for Apt rental listings | Edit | Delete | J |
Chimney damper | Better sealing of chimney | Edit | Delete | J | |
Dishwasher Maintenance | Good site for home repairs | Edit | Delete | J | |
Fireplace blowers | Fireplace efficiency ideas | Edit | Delete | J | |
Fireplace doors | Fireplace doors | Edit | Delete | J | |
Fireplace efficiency | More efficiency ideas | Edit | Delete | J | |
Fireplace efficiency | Ideas for increasing efficiency | Edit | Delete | J | |
Front door pictures | Good examples of different styles of front door | Edit | Delete | J | |
Interesting Gardening Site | Offshoot from Remodelista | Edit | Delete | J | |
Sample Floors | Remodelista - good examples of flooring | Edit | Delete | J | |
Spiral Stairs | Good prices | Edit | Delete | J | |
Under bed storage | Interesting approach to making rolling drawers for under the bed | Edit | Delete | J | |
HP | HP Overture | HP Default website for new machine | Edit | Delete | J |
Humour | Credit Card Pranks | Dialogue of signing credit cards with different names | Edit | Delete | J |
Latin expressions | Funny latin phrases | Edit | Delete | J | |
Math Humour | Interesting math one | Edit | Delete | J | |
Very funny blogs | Some very funny stuff on this blog | Edit | Delete | J | |
Internet | ADSL Speed test | Test connection speeds from the net | Edit | Delete | J |
Art Archive | Interesting concepts | Edit | Delete | J | |
Art for Sale | Portal site for selling art | Edit | Delete | J | |
Art for Sale - Virtual Gallery | Good setup for adding artists to the site | Edit | Delete | J | |
Art for Sale 2 | Good example of how to display painting without giving it away...small with large sections | Edit | Delete | J | |
Art for Sale 4 | Good layout with rotating image of paintings....not gif, and not flash, but Javascript | Edit | Delete | J | |
Art for Sale 5 | Good as idea for different rooms "galleries" for different artists....more creative than just listing their names | Edit | Delete | J | |
Art for Sale 6 | Very nice layout and site design | Edit | Delete | J | |
Art for Sale 7 | Lousy layout, but some good points such as focusing on Niagara, Monhegan, ocean etc | Edit | Delete | J | |
Art lesson online | Teaches the basics of watercolour and offers critiques etc | Edit | Delete | J | |
Blogworld | Interesting site for ideas on blogging | Edit | Delete | J | |
Book Crossing.com | Books dropped into the Wild! | Edit | Delete | J | |
Browser test - Java, JVM, etc | GMS site should have something like this page | Edit | Delete | J | |
Caching JAR files | Text on how to use OBJECT code for caching the JAR file on a mchine | Edit | Delete | J | |
China.org Pictures | View of china | Edit | Delete | J | |
Chris Farrell - bonus page | Site talking about the value of internet commerce | Edit | Delete | J | |
Convert PDF to Word | Great tool to convert a PDF to word format easily | Edit | Delete | J | |
Domains at Cost | Registrar | Edit | Delete | J | |
DSL Speed test | Testing the speed on the DSL connection | Edit | Delete | J | |
French Accents in a wysiwyg editor | Very nice little tool to type text with french characters...but also develop look and it generate HTML | Edit | Delete | J | |
Goggle Search Engine | Search Engine | Edit | Delete | J | |
Hacker School | Better understanding of what a hacker uses | Edit | Delete | J | |
IBM's JVM | Java Virtual Machine....from IBM | Edit | Delete | J | |
Internet Security Checking | Site that will test which ports are open and recommend firewall software etc | Edit | Delete | J | |
Internet Tips and Tricks | This site has lots of quick tips and tricks on a very wide range of internet tech topics | Edit | Delete | J | |
Japanese Characters | IME software download | Edit | Delete | J | |
Live.com | Microsoft site of interesting bits | Edit | Delete | J | |
Microsoft Price List | Price list for all MS Products | Edit | Delete | J | |
Online AntiVirus | Allows for online checking and removal of viruses | Edit | Delete | J | |
Port Scanners | Various port scanners | Edit | Delete | J | |
RSS Bandit | Build an RSS feed tool - good tutorial for XML etc | Edit | Delete | J | |
Sam Spade - Sniffer tools | Bunch of tools to check Net info | Edit | Delete | J | |
Social Networking and Blogging | Interesting article on blogging | Edit | Delete | J | |
Steve Gibson | Solutions to reducing the hackability of one's system | Edit | Delete | J | |
Sudoku online | Good site for Terry and his Sudoku fix | Edit | Delete | J | |
Sun Java JVM Download pages | All the archived versions of Sun JVM | Edit | Delete | J | |
Sun JVM versions download page | One stop for all the versions of Sun JVMs | Edit | Delete | J | |
TCP/IP Port listing | Good site with listing of registered ports and descriptions | Edit | Delete | J | |
TCP/IP Ports and their uses | Good comprehensive list of ports and who has reserved them | Edit | Delete | J | |
Zone Alarm | Firewall software - recommended by Steve Gibson | Edit | Delete | J | |
Internet Server | IIS SECURITY - 10 steps | 10 Steps to increasing IIS security | Edit | Delete | J |
IIS Security Discussion | Step by step run down of the things to consider and tools to use to improve IISs security | Edit | Delete | J | |
Norton AV Update link | Link for updating version - issue of rtvscan taking way too much CPU | Edit | Delete | J | |
SearchWebManagement | Tips and Tricks expert advice - IIS security, white papers, patches, etc | Edit | Delete | J | |
iPad | Remote Desktop app | App to work with Windows Remote Desktop | Edit | Delete | J |
Windows Remote Desktop App | Windows connect via iPad | Edit | Delete | J | |
Kids | Amazing Space explorations | Telus educational site | Edit | Delete | J |
Architectural Websites | Interest blog site by an Architect - good reading for Mason | Edit | Delete | J | |
BBC Educational site | Math and word games | Edit | Delete | J | |
Boosting child's self esteem | Interesting book - eBook at VPL | Edit | Delete | J | |
Brain Pop | Telus educational site - videos | Edit | Delete | J | |
Canadian Geographics | Games and homework help | Edit | Delete | J | |
Capilano E | Cap E website | Edit | Delete | J | |
Educational references | Wide variety of material and references | Edit | Delete | J | |
eNature site | Telus educational site | Edit | Delete | J | |
eNotes | Very good resource for learning materials, reference materials etc | Edit | Delete | J | |
I know that | Telus educational site | Edit | Delete | J | |
Kids Games | Games | Edit | Delete | J | |
Library of Canada | Collection of maps, pictures and videos | Edit | Delete | J | |
Mason - Homework page | Webpage where homework and such are posted | Edit | Delete | J | |
Math Exercises for kids | Free exercises for kids | Edit | Delete | J | |
Math glossary | Telus educational site | Edit | Delete | J | |
Modern Art | Telus educational art site | Edit | Delete | J | |
Online educational games | Online education | Edit | Delete | J | |
Pumpkin Growing | Steps on how to grow a pumpkin from seeds | Edit | Delete | J | |
Safe Canada | Internet safety tips and activities | Edit | Delete | J | |
STA | STA Website | Edit | Delete | J | |
The Futures Channel | Telus educational site - online movies | Edit | Delete | J | |
Videos and Math tutorials | Telus educational site | Edit | Delete | J | |
Virtual Museum | Exhibits, games and galleries | Edit | Delete | J | |
Yahooligans Science | Yahoo science site | Edit | Delete | J | |
Language | Latin phrases | Interesting - sometimes humorous phrases and translations | Edit | Delete | J |
Library | North Van City Library | Same credentials as NVD Library | Edit | Delete | J |
NVDPL New interface | New and improved interface | Edit | Delete | J | |
Online Books | In connection with VPL | Edit | Delete | J | |
Online Library | Ebook source - with NVD library account | Edit | Delete | J | |
Vancouver Library | Online catalogue of VPL # 21383012724832 | Edit | Delete | J | |
Menu | DHTML Slide Menu | Javascript Slide Menu | Edit | Delete | J |
PopUp Menu | Javascript Freeware Menu System | Edit | Delete | J | |
Xtree Menu | Javascript Explorer style menu | Edit | Delete | J | |
Museums | Online Art Museum | Great online museum - searchable by Artist | Edit | Delete | J |
Sainbury Online Museum | Interesting virtual museum | Edit | Delete | J | |
Music | Be Good Tanyas | Others whose sound is similar to the Be Good Tanyas | Edit | Delete | J |
MP3 Downloads | Site for a variety of music | Edit | Delete | J | |
MP3 music | Great site for all kinds of music | Edit | Delete | J | |
Oracle | DB Third Party Tools | Oracle and SQL Server tools | Edit | Delete | J |
Free Online Tutorials for 10g | Free tutorials | Edit | Delete | J | |
Hot Oracle | Oracle reference site | Edit | Delete | J | |
Images from Oracle | Images from Oracle LOB field either via HTTP or Procedure | Edit | Delete | J | |
NLS Guidelines | Oracle NLS documentation | Edit | Delete | J | |
ODBC Driver without Oracle Net | Install this to use ODBC driver without needing Oracle Net on the web server $4,000 per server or $125 client | Edit | Delete | J | |
Oracle - BFile example | sample of how to load BFILE | Edit | Delete | J | |
Oracle - CertCities | Oracle site for tech issues and questions | Edit | Delete | J | |
Oracle - DBMS Packages | Documentation on DBMS packages | Edit | Delete | J | |
Oracle - FAQ | FAQs | Edit | Delete | J | |
Oracle - Insert into LOBs | Documentation on inserting into LOBs - Three methods | Edit | Delete | J | |
Oracle - Insert into LOBs (>4000char) | LOBs that are more than 4000 chars - issues | Edit | Delete | J | |
Oracle - LOBs and usage | PPT giving good breakdown and syntax - Suggested reading as well | Edit | Delete | J | |
Oracle - LOBs Examples | Examples of basic testing of LOBs (and NCLOB) | Edit | Delete | J | |
Oracle - SQL*Plus FAQs | FAQs about SQL*Plus | Edit | Delete | J | |
Oracle - Using Large Objects (LOBs) | Example seems to be using ASP (NEEDS FURTHER READING) | Edit | Delete | J | |
Oracle 8i Documentation | Oracle | Edit | Delete | J | |
Oracle 9i - Memory Management | Good document on new 9i parameters and memory management issues | Edit | Delete | J | |
Oracle 9i - Unicode white paper | Discussion of Unicode | Edit | Delete | J | |
Oracle 9i Data Dictionary | Listing of all the Data Dictionary Tables | Edit | Delete | J | |
Oracle and ASP | Suggestions on how to solve ASP connection problems | Edit | Delete | J | |
Oracle Blob with PHP | Adding and viewing images with Oracle and PHP | Edit | Delete | J | |
Oracle Blobs with .NET | Blobs and Ora Packages with .NET | Edit | Delete | J | |
Oracle Cartridges | White Paper | Edit | Delete | J | |
Oracle Create Db and Oradim | Description of manually creating a database and the oradim utility | Edit | Delete | J | |
Oracle Database Using RDO | Access an Oracle Database Using RDO | Edit | Delete | J | |
Oracle DBA help site | Oracle resource site | Edit | Delete | J | |
Oracle Documentation | Links to Oracle Documentation from 8.1.7 to 9i | Edit | Delete | J | |
Oracle Documentation for 10g | Oracle provided online documentation | Edit | Delete | J | |
Oracle FREE Documentation | Free online reference material for Oracle 10g | Edit | Delete | J | |
Oracle Instant Client | Oracle 10g Instant client for SQL Plus | Edit | Delete | J | |
Oracle Instructor Files | Used to access instructor presentation files and lab setup files wdp_instructor 71470 | Edit | Delete | J | |
Oracle Internet DBA | Oracle site with 5 Main points a DBA should know | Edit | Delete | J | |
Oracle Java Almanac | Oracle and Java site | Edit | Delete | J | |
Oracle Load LOBs | How to create PL/SQL to load LOBs | Edit | Delete | J | |
Oracle LongRaw Images | Mislabeled site not BLOB but Long Raw images | Edit | Delete | J | |
Oracle Number field actual size | Works out the actual size in bytes of a number field | Edit | Delete | J | |
Oracle on Windows FAQ | FAQ for Oracle and Windows | Edit | Delete | J | |
Oracle Proc and ADO | ADO methods for calling Oracle procedures | Edit | Delete | J | |
Oracle Recordset (ADO) in ASP | Retrieve a Recordset from an Oracle Stored Procedure Using ADO on ASP | Edit | Delete | J | |
Oracle Sample DBA guide | Sample OCP DBA exam guide | Edit | Delete | J | |
Oracle Stored Proc in ASP | Retrieve Typical Resultsets From Oracle Stored Procedures | Edit | Delete | J | |
Oracle TechNet | Oracle | Edit | Delete | J | |
Oracle Tuning | Descriptions of tuning Oracle | Edit | Delete | J | |
Oracle Web Tutorial | Oracle Tutorial | Edit | Delete | J | |
Oracle Windows FAQ | General Windows issues for Oracle | Edit | Delete | J | |
Oracle with SSL | How to implement SSL with Oracle | Edit | Delete | J | |
Oracle8i Admin Guide | Oracle Administrator's guide | Edit | Delete | J | |
Oracle9i: Developing with Microsoft .NET | Using .Net to interact with Oracle | Edit | Delete | J | |
PctFree and PctUsed | Oracle discussion on PCT and Chaining vx Migration | Edit | Delete | J | |
TestKing | Test site for samples | Edit | Delete | J | |
Paintings | Art Wallpaper | Great site with huge collection of art accessible as desktop wallpaper | Edit | Delete | J |
Beaver Hall Group - S. Robertson | Taught by Wm Brymer - early Canadian Impressionists | Edit | Delete | J | |
Beaver Hall Painters | Describes the painters with many cross links | Edit | Delete | J | |
PB | Birim Mining | John Embry rec - ghana exploration and nsr from GSR | Edit | Delete | pb |
Jay Chen - Natural Resourse Stcks at SI | SI thread | Edit | Delete | pb | |
Jay Chen - Portfolio | Updated allocations | Edit | Delete | pb | |
Jay Chen - Zhenjiang Expressway | Qheng. Express Jay chen bought June 27, 03 | Edit | Delete | pb | |
Jay Chens energy trusts | Energy trusts thinking | Edit | Delete | pb | |
Siliconinvestor - Jay Chen Chat | Siliconinvestor Jay Chen | Edit | Delete | pb | |
Personal | Abe Books | Online bookstore | Edit | Delete | J |
Aunt Sally and other games | Kids indoor game ideas | Edit | Delete | J | |
Autobig of a Yogi | Autobiography has been put online for free | Edit | Delete | J | |
Birthday Cards - VERY GOOD!!!! | Great interactive Birthday card | Edit | Delete | J | |
Build Your Own PVR | Interesting site to help work out building a PVR | Edit | Delete | J | |
Car logos | Quite an extensive list of car manufacturers and their logos | Edit | Delete | J | |
City of Van - Permit site | Good source of permit documents | Edit | Delete | J | |
Condo Homeowners Assoc | Website with various links | Edit | Delete | J | |
Cost of Raising a family | Manitoba study on the costs associated | Edit | Delete | J | |
Cost of Raising Children | Costs and discussions about raising children | Edit | Delete | J | |
Craigslist Search rool | Craigslist tool | Edit | Delete | J | |
David Gray Radio | Radio station playing David Gray style music | Edit | Delete | J | |
Eccentricities of English | Words in English that don't make sense, according to the standard rules | Edit | Delete | J | |
Interesting Personal Site | Interesting site - has a virtual bookmarks as well - *** good example to mimick *** | Edit | Delete | J | |
Kits Yacht Club | Sailing Possibilities | Edit | Delete | J | |
Korean Translation | Basic words and phrases | Edit | Delete | J | |
Kriyayoga | Vijai recommended | Edit | Delete | J | |
Learn Korean | Simple lessons to learn some Korean | Edit | Delete | J | |
Map Finder | Locate any address | Edit | Delete | J | |
Masters Certificate | Alternative to a MBA - more executive cert | Edit | Delete | J | |
Mazda Parts People | Place to order roof rack | Edit | Delete | J | |
Mazda Stuff | Mazda parts | Edit | Delete | J | |
MBA360 | Good site for the MBA process and rational | Edit | Delete | J | |
Realty Link | Houses for sales in Vancouver | Edit | Delete | J | |
Robbie Burns Night | Good description and tradition around Burns night | Edit | Delete | J | |
Romans | Interesting looking Roman site | Edit | Delete | J | |
Sony Digital Camera | Digital Camera Driver downloads | Edit | Delete | J | |
Telus Mail | Online access to webmail | Edit | Delete | J | |
The Secret | Very VERY interesting description of the theory of attraction | Edit | Delete | J | |
UBC Sailing club | Sailing possibilities | Edit | Delete | J | |
Vancouver Bike Paths | Great map - very detailed | Edit | Delete | J | |
Voice Over Work | Good site for voice over work - with demos | Edit | Delete | J | |
VPL Electronic Resources | Vancouver Public Library resources | Edit | Delete | J | |
Weather Radar site | Good site for weather forcasting | Edit | Delete | J | |
Whistler Sea to Sky hwy WebCam | Good webcam for visible conditions on Hwy 99 | Edit | Delete | J | |
Project Management | Online MS Project Training | Basic MS Project course online - free | Edit | Delete | J |
UofA PageList | Listing of various pages | Edit | Delete | J | |
QATesting | Laragh Training | QA fundamentals and ISO training | Edit | Delete | J |
QA Training | Various elearning courses | Edit | Delete | J | |
SPC QA site | Good data about QA and research within the field | Edit | Delete | J | |
R&R | R&R Projects | RandR Online modules | Edit | Delete | J |
Research | Periodic table of the elements | Click and Show | Edit | Delete | Shirley |
RSAnimate | RSAnimate discussion | Interesting discussion | Edit | Delete | J |
Visual Presentation | Visual Presentations and training | Edit | Delete | J | |
Visual recording iPAD | Highlights process and four tools for the iPad | Edit | Delete | J | |
Saver Code | SELECT @@Identity FROM tblSample1 | What to do when switch to SQL server from Access | Edit | Delete | Shirley |
Software | Flash decompiler | Interesting tool converts SWF to FLA | Edit | Delete | J |
Joel on Software | Good 12 step test of software development effectiveness | Edit | Delete | J | |
Microsoft Action Pack | Great deal from MS for license to development software | Edit | Delete | J | |
Microsoft Pricing | Microsoft Academic pricing | Edit | Delete | J | |
TrueCrypt | Opensource code for system encryption | Edit | Delete | J | |
Visual Studio 2008 trial | Trial version of the full Visual Studio | Edit | Delete | J | |
VPN connection and hosting setup | Good doc to help walk through the setup reqs | Edit | Delete | J | |
SQL Server | Access to SQL conversion | Good white paper | Edit | Delete | J |
ADO Examples | How to connect to a SQL DB using ADO and recordsets, etc | Edit | Delete | J | |
Drop all tables | Great trick to impact all tables for dropping or other procedures | Edit | Delete | J | |
Growing SQL Server skills | Great article on growing SQL server skills at low cost | Edit | Delete | J | |
Microsoft Licensing SQL | Blog addressing different licensing with nodes | Edit | Delete | J | |
MSDN SQL Server Reporting Tutorials | MSDN SSRS | Edit | Delete | J | |
Petkovic SQL for Beginners | Book used in the IT 139 at UBC | Edit | Delete | J | |
Pulling XML data from file into SQL | Good example of the ability to pull XML text into a temp table | Edit | Delete | J | |
Sample SQL Online training | Good first view of reporting capabilities in 2008 | Edit | Delete | J | |
SQL 2008 - Certificates | Good outline of Certificate use | Edit | Delete | J | |
SQL 2008 Filestream example | Very good example of all aspects of Filestream | Edit | Delete | J | |
SQL 2008 virtual labs | Interesting first look at 2008 | Edit | Delete | J | |
SQL 2008 Webinars | Good 60 min segments on new features in 2008 | Edit | Delete | J | |
SQL Blob Definition | Describes the process of storage of Text, nText and Image fields | Edit | Delete | J | |
SQL Client Connections | Discussion of client connection failure, server shutdown | Edit | Delete | J | |
SQL error installing on VirtualPC 2007 | Solved the issue of installing errors on VirtualPC 2007 | Edit | Delete | J | |
SQL Keyboard shortcuts | Good list of shortcuts 2008 and 2012 | Edit | Delete | J | |
SQL Magazine | Resource site for SQL | Edit | Delete | J | |
SQL Replication Issue | Snaphot Agent would not start - how to troubleshoot | Edit | Delete | J | |
SQL Server - Bii | Bulk Image Insert - and when to store in FS vs Image field | Edit | Delete | J | |
SQL Server 2000 Log view | Interesting page with command to view Log files | Edit | Delete | J | |
SQL Server 2000 Resource Kit | Indicates what it offers | Edit | Delete | J | |
SQL Server 2005 - Beginners Guide eBook | eBook! Available through the Vancouver library | Edit | Delete | J | |
SQL Server 2005 - Business Intelligence | Delivering SQL with Business Intelligence | Edit | Delete | J | |
SQL Server 2005 - Developer Guide | Developers Guide - eBook | Edit | Delete | J | |
SQL Server 2005 - Distilled | eBook | Edit | Delete | J | |
SQL Server 2005 - Implementation | Implementation and maintenance - eBook | Edit | Delete | J | |
SQL Server 2005 - Programming | R Viera - Programming eBook | Edit | Delete | J | |
SQL Server 2005 Courses | Free online courses | Edit | Delete | J | |
SQL Server 2008 - Downloads | Various versions and tools for SQL 2008 | Edit | Delete | J | |
SQl Server 2008 - R2 Whats new | New aspects to R2 | Edit | Delete | J | |
SQL Server 2008 Blog | Reviews bits from the text for 70-432 | Edit | Delete | J | |
SQL Server 2008 eBook | Introducing R2 | Edit | Delete | J | |
SQL Server 2008 Filestream | White paper on the setup and use of FILESTREAM | Edit | Delete | J | |
SQL Server 2008 R2 - new items | Latest changes for R2 | Edit | Delete | J | |
SQL Server 2008 Report Builder 2.0 | Download Report Builder 2.0 | Edit | Delete | J | |
SQL Server 2008 Report Builder Headers | Problem with keeping Column Headers showing on all pages | Edit | Delete | J | |
SQL Server 2008 Virtual Labs | Virtual lab environment for SQL Server | Edit | Delete | J | |
SQL Server Intellisense issues | Troubleshooting why intellisense might not be working CTRL+SHIFT+R | Edit | Delete | J | |
SQL Server Reporting Services | Online training for SSRS | Edit | Delete | J | |
SQL Server RunAs | Great paper - describes the various way to run SQL in trusted mode with a client domain account | Edit | Delete | J | |
SQL Server Schemas | Schemas vs Roles | Edit | Delete | J | |
SQL Server specs | Great site for listing limitations and specifications for SQL databases and objects | Edit | Delete | J | |
SQL Server Web Sites | Various sites related to SQL Server | Edit | Delete | J | |
SSRS BuiltIn Collections | List of Built In collections | Edit | Delete | J | |
SSRS Tips and Tricks | Interesting top 10 list for SSTS | Edit | Delete | J | |
TerraServer - SQL server | This is an MS public server to access maps, aerial images etc | Edit | Delete | J | |
SQL Server - Reporting Services | Report Manager - customize | Another view at customizing the Report Manager interface | Edit | Delete | J |
SQL SSRS Customizing | Discussion on various options to customize the Report Manager is SSRS | Edit | Delete | J | |
Staging Companies | Divas by Design | Staging properties to help sell | Edit | Delete | J |
Revamp HomeStaging | Staging property for sale | Edit | Delete | J | |
Terminal Services | Terminal Service License Server TSL | FAQ page about TSL and installing etc. | Edit | Delete | J |
Terminal Services - Scripting | How to use TSAC within web page | Edit | Delete | J | |
Terminal Services Case Study | Great Plains Accounting System | Edit | Delete | J | |
Terminal Services Demo | Demo of Terminal Services TSAC | Edit | Delete | J | |
Terminal Services FAQ | Terminal Services Web Plugin - FAQs of security and usage | Edit | Delete | J | |
Trains | Ernst Plank history | Good little blurb with pics | Edit | Delete | J |
Ernst Plank site | Interesting page with pics and descriptions | Edit | Delete | J | |
Sample Ernst PLank Steam Engines | Some good pictures of comparable engines | Edit | Delete | J | |
Travel | Belize Bareboating | Couple useful links for sailing in Belize | Edit | Delete | J |
Expat Web Sites | List of expat sites...including Canuck Abroad | Edit | Delete | J | |
Las Vegas | Interesting site of tips | Edit | Delete | J | |
Notre Dame de Paris | Beautiful shots of Notre Dame | Edit | Delete | J | |
Notre Dame de Paris - history | Interesting background and description | Edit | Delete | J | |
Notre Dame de Paris - more history | More tidbits about Notre Dame | Edit | Delete | J | |
Orlando Map | MapQuest of Orlando | Edit | Delete | J | |
Paris at night | Beautiful shots of Paris at night | Edit | Delete | J | |
San Gimignano sleeps 12 50pppn | Upstairs and downstairs apts in farmhouse | Edit | Delete | pb | |
Time Share Exchange DAE | Free membership | Edit | Delete | J | |
Tuscan Rental Site | Wow....que bella web site | Edit | Delete | J | |
Vancouver Airport Arrivals | Arrivals status for flights into Vancouver YVR | Edit | Delete | J | |
Weather Network | Good for forcasting weather elsewhere | Edit | Delete | J | |
Westfalia camping Maui | Great looking idea of renting a westfalia in Hawaii | Edit | Delete | J | |
Whistler Accommodations Finder | Good site for owners renting their own places | Edit | Delete | J | |
UBC | UBC - Instructor resources | Site for instructors (jackh) | Edit | Delete | J |
UBC Learning Centre | Enter classmarks and review feedback (jhughes) | Edit | Delete | J | |
Voice Over Work | Voice over Agents | Listing of agencies | Edit | Delete | J |
Walking Tours | Back of Beyond Tours | A little more aggressive hiking...nice website | Edit | Delete | J |
Bowen Island Tour | Not quite the idea but interesting approach with prices | Edit | Delete | J | |
Country walkers | High end - nice looking but long term plan | Edit | Delete | J | |
Creepy Tours | good niche...creepy places...goulish stories...certain appeal | Edit | Delete | J | |
Ethnic Guide to Montreal | Good book for ideas | Edit | Delete | J | |
Freewheeling tours | Great looking tour of eastern townships | Edit | Delete | J | |
Ghost Tours of Old Montreal | Yet another with the ghost theme | Edit | Delete | J | |
Interesting Museum in Montreal | Info for tours again | Edit | Delete | J | |
John Atkin | Great site...exactly what I was thinking of and then some... | Edit | Delete | J | |
Kasbah International level | Higher end, what something like this could become | Edit | Delete | J | |
List of tours | Another listing of tours - ideas, marketing? | Edit | Delete | J | |
List site of tours | Another website as possible marketing | Edit | Delete | J | |
Montreal Walking tour | Very good place to again pilfer ideas | Edit | Delete | J | |
National Parks Focused | Focused on specific National Parks - good ideas | Edit | Delete | J | |
Old Montreal | Ideas for tours | Edit | Delete | J | |
Old Montreal ideas | More ideas on walking tours of Old Montreal | Edit | Delete | J | |
Old Montreal Info | Research site for Old Montreal tours | Edit | Delete | J | |
Quebec and Ottawa Tours | Interesting looking - list again for research and marketing | Edit | Delete | J | |
Quebec City - Ideas | Another site for tour ideas | Edit | Delete | J | |
Quebec City Tours | A number of the tours available | Edit | Delete | J | |
Quebec City tours | This would provide good information to pilfer as narrative | Edit | Delete | J | |
Quebec Plus | Good ideas | Edit | Delete | J | |
Russ' Hikes | Some good ideas for walking tours (Nancy's Little Person) | Edit | Delete | J | |
Sewel Walking tours | Good example of a simple model with prices | Edit | Delete | J | |
Titanic History in Montreal | More tidbits of info for possible tours | Edit | Delete | J | |
Toronto Haunted Tour | Another ghostly tour | Edit | Delete | J | |
Touring company | They do a lot of bus tours | Edit | Delete | J | |
Tours America | Good collection of different tour sites | Edit | Delete | J | |
Trip listing site | One possibility for web marketing | Edit | Delete | J | |
Vancouver Hikes | Great list of links | Edit | Delete | J | |
Walking Connection - High end | This is interesting....have the walking tour take more than one day...include B&Bs | Edit | Delete | J | |
Web | ADO Connection String Samples | ADO Connection String Samples | Edit | Delete | Shirley |
ASP and FileSysObject | Good example of accessing FileSysObj | Edit | Delete | J | |
ASP output to Excel | Great example of ASP output to excel | Edit | Delete | J | |
Chapter 4: Managing Browser Compatibility | Chapter 4: Managing Browser Compatibility | Edit | Delete | Shirley | |
connect to FTP site - Source of the problem | connect to FTP site - Source of the problem | Edit | Delete | Shirley | |
DevGuru ADO Methods Index | DevGuru ADO Methods Index | Edit | Delete | Shirley | |
Free SSL Certificate 2 | Another free certificate for SSL | Edit | Delete | J | |
Free SSL Certificates | Issuing free certificates for SSL | Edit | Delete | J | |
HTML Codes | Good site for all the codes such as < represented by code and not the actual character | Edit | Delete | J | |
HTTPS Redirection | How to force users to use SSL | Edit | Delete | J | |
Javascript menus | Great little menuing tool - extremely simple to use | Edit | Delete | J | |
JavaScript Ready-to-go | Ready-to-go DHTML scripts & Javascripts | Edit | Delete | Shirley | |
Jet SQL is the database engine behind Microsoft-s | Jet SQL is the database engine behind Microsoft-s Access. | Edit | Delete | Shirley | |
MSVM Diagnostic Page | Tool to detect the VM for Microsoft | Edit | Delete | J | |
Search domain name registration detail | Search domain name registration detail | Edit | Delete | Shirley | |
SimplytheBest ASP active server pages | SimplytheBest ASP active server pages | Edit | Delete | Shirley | |
SSL Certificate Process without Authority | Unix version of creating SSL Certs | Edit | Delete | J | |
Web art | Such interesting artists.... | Edit | Delete | J | |
Website Load Testing service | Very good site, with what looks like very extensive testing capabilities | Edit | Delete | J | |
Web design | Ajax in Action - Book site | Complimentary site to the Ajax book | Edit | Delete | J |
ASP - requirement for SPROCS | Needs this to be able to run SPROCS from ASP code | Edit | Delete | J | |
ASP efficiency and problems | Good place to start looking for ASP time out error | Edit | Delete | J | |
ASP Pages made more efficient | Interesting things to note about ASP efficiency | Edit | Delete | J | |
eBooks - great downloads | Great source for eBooks, such as Foundations of Ajax | Edit | Delete | J | |
Great website designs | Very good examples | Edit | Delete | J | |
Java Applets | Samples of downloading a Java Applet for Netscape and IE | Edit | Delete | J | |
Web Agent Data analysis | Great site to help analyze Web User info browser versions etc | Edit | Delete | J | |
Website Copier | Download offline version of a website | Edit | Delete | J | |
Web Security | !!! Creating a Self-Signed Certificate using OpenS | Creating a Self-Signed Certificate using OpenSSL | Edit | Delete | Shirley |
FREE SSL - Fully Functional Trial SSL Certificates | FREE SSL - Fully Functional Trial SSL Certificates | Edit | Delete | Shirley | |
How To: Set Up SSL on a Web Server | How To: Set Up SSL on a Web Server | Edit | Delete | Shirley | |
LDAP Integration | Simple site on the basics of LDAP integration | Edit | Delete | J | |
WestcoastAlternatives | Counselling Vancouver | Interesting starting page - for various services | Edit | Delete | J |
Edgewood addictions services | example site to use as reference - good graphics and warm feeling | Edit | Delete | J | |
Pacifica Treatment centre | Example site for comparison - blue colours, more corporate looking | Edit | Delete | J | |
Shanti Counselling Centre | An example of large header changing pictures - flash piece | Edit | Delete | J | |
Windows | IE Title bar issue | The issue of the URL automatically showing on the title bar | Edit | Delete | J |
Woodworking | How to Make Tansu furniture | Instructions on making Tansu furniture | Edit | Delete | J |
XML | sheina | Good article about CDATA for invalid chars in XML | Edit | Delete | J |
XML Tutorial | XML tutorial page | Edit | Delete | J | |
YouTube | Ave Maria | Very nice rendition | Edit | Delete | J |
Brothers in Arms - gregorian chant | Nice version of Brothers in Arms | Edit | Delete | J | |
I'm Alive - Celine Dion | Great song | Edit | Delete | J | |
Screen video capture | Free program to film screen capture | Edit | Delete | J | |
Simon and Garfunkle - Sounds of silence | Great early footage | Edit | Delete | J | |
Note: Point to the Bookmark name and look at the bottom left of the browser window to see what the URL of this link is - or simply click on the name and see where it brings you.